"Michaela takes some nice slimings over her pretty hair." Michaela has a glorious head of long hair and a mischievous cute look to her. As the first bucket of slime pours over her head we can see her cutely peaking out behind the mess at us as it rains down all over her gorgeous hair. She smiles and laughs the whole time as slime continues to rain down and bring her messy hair down in front of her, protecting her pretty face. Next she pulls her messy hair back from her face, and looks at us, still laughing. The second sliming is coming, and you tell her she's gonna wanna look up, she questions this, says ok, and then thankfully doesn't fully look up, she stares forward and we can still see her pretty face as a different color of slime coats her hair. She continues to laugh. ![]() | |
"Cute model gets a nice little quick sliming." I love the nervousness and anticipation of a first sliming. Maria's hair is gorgeous, and when that first bucket rains down over her hair, and completely soaks it down with mess, it's a glorious sight to behold. It's super cute how she is laughing whilst behind shocked, and then she's surprised by the second sliming. Minimal facial coverage, and you actually didn't tell her to tilt her head up in this one, which was nice! ![]() | |
"Nice batter and chocolate sliming." I love the double mess action of this. Cute reactions and commentary from Valerie. Once again though, I'm going to be that guy and say stop telling them to look up! I mean look straight ahead, sure, but trying to get them to tilt their heads up and take a face full of slime just ruins it for me. I know I'm in the minority with this opinion, but thankfully despite looking up, her whole face doesn't quite get covered, and she does make some nice eye contact with the camera. Despite my seemingly anger filled rants, I'm giving this 5 stars for the double mess she took. ![]() | |
"Great video, with one minor flaw (for me anyways)" These are great, it's awesome that you're finding all these wonderful girls to slime, and there is some great hair coverage. My one critique (and hence the 4 instead of 5 heart rating) is to stop telling them to tilt their heads back. There are so many "looking up" slime videos, it's nice when they cower and you can see their reactions, which happens in some of your videos when they ignore your directions, which I think is awesome. ![]() |